
The first time Abel joined high school, he was humbled by what came before him: the math club community. Before then, he would confide in himself as he solved math problems, almost feeling peculiar and questioning his interests as a result of those around him. Realizing the stigmatized and lackluster positive promotion for STEM-and-humanity-oriented fields, Abel started to find a deeper appreciation for his supportive community that, directly and indirectly, encouraged him to further explore.

Before Ponder and Yonder!’s incipiency was ITC - Interactive Technological Creativity, created in 2020. ITC was a makerspace whose unique value proposition was meta problem-solving, specifically in tracking viruses in computers. Questions like, “What approaches are viable to diminishing online scammers that host an influx of computerized insecurities, and how do we delineate issues of the like?” Interestingly, it is experiences like these that have complemented one another that resulted in me finding value in meta, meta problem-solving.

The motivation behind why I chose to find an issue to resolve comes full circle with the idea introduced: community. The goal of Ponder and Yonder! is to meaningfully motivate others to give rise to a cause, whatever it may be, starting with getting involved. Join us in mock workshops, seminars, and collaborative events to help shape tomorrow.

Seminars & Sessions

There are biweekly meet-ups lasting roughly an hour, where we discuss various topics and plan virtual and in-person events! Spreading awareness of the meaning and purpose of life by giving rise to the notion of critical thinking cements the idea of discipline. This happens through deep learning and active analysis of events that happen in the world around us. If we do our part to vocalize this, we can foster a more thoughtful world, uplifted by healthy approaches¹ in life.

Approaches¹: problem-solving in math that allows for this sort of cognizance, stimulated by intuition.

Meetings are typically conducted via Zoom. We come together to discuss for an hour and a half (+/- 10 or so minutes) about handouts, hosting certain events (competitions, fairs, etc.), global events, and much more. Occasionally, for local events, there are in-person meetings where we meet to plan some form of service.

How does this look like?


Abel Mesfin

Abel Mesfin is a college student whose goals with Ponder and Yonder! are to enlighten other students by offering constructive seminars, exploring topics as broad as the essence of life to more focused fields, such as mathematics and science. He encourages the idea of thinkinga trait that ultimately characterizes humans.
